We have a Trade List compiled from vignerons that we have known for many years as well as some more recent connections. We remain loyal to them and they to us, our list grows gently through word-of-mouth and personal contact.
We supply like minded restaurants in London with a core list of wines which we always keep in stock, offering the possibility of next day delivery (or even same day, for the rare emergency!).
Alongside these we take smaller parcels from various vignerons based on what is good that season, released as and when they come in. These are often interesting and exciting finds, we always keep our trade customers informed.
For all wine trade enquiries, please contact our Wine Desk
020 7553 9843
Our product list contains the core products currently produced for our own restaurants and for our diverse clients across London. If you have a product in mind which does not appear in our list, please let us know. We are delighted to produce customised items to fit your requirements and specifications.
We enjoy baking and for us one of the most important things after your hands, your knowledge and your experience, is time. Slow fermentation, over many hours, is key to how we bake.
Do remember to give us at least 48 hours notice due to the proving time needed to bake our bread. We can deliver seven days a week.
For all bakery trade enquiries, please contact our Wholesale Department.
020 7237 5999