Some of you may have been lucky enough to see the
Bridge Theatre’s latest critically acclaimed show, and those of you who haven’t yet may wish to be reminded that you have until April 15th to do so. Meanwhile, for one night only, the stage will be cleared and the pit will be filled not with actors and groundlings but with long feasting tables running the length of the boards. It may not be the last days of Rome, but it is the last days of
Julius Caesar, and to mark the occasion we are holding A ROMAN FEAST.
A menu suffused with mischief sees Pork and Garam Novus, a delicious St. JOHN take on Vitello Tonato! Blood Cake, as a tribute to one of the play's most iconic scenes! Quails and Pomegranate (because sparrows are thin on the ground these days)! And a very St. JOHN-ish take on Strufoli (the Roman doughnut).
Gaudete omnes! There is Hepple Gin, made in the (erstwhile) shadow of Hadrian’s Wall and pitchers of Fronton to make a Gaul proud. And more mischief afoot – the evening will not pass without a theatrical flourish or two, as befits the location and occasion.
All roads may no longer lead to Rome but, on the 9th April, the Bridge certainly does.